15 thoughts on “Evento Skyfall – Andrés Iniesta

  1. que grande Iniesta, no soy ni español ni del barca, soy uruguayo y de peñarol pero hay que sacarse el sombrero por este monstruo adentro y afuera de la cancha!

  2. For a while now I’ve been wanting to do something different for you, for the affection and respect that you always show towards me. And I came up with the idea of watching this movie from the James Bond Saga, Skyfall.
    SimplyI want to thankf you all for coming and I hope you enjoy the movie and we spend a good time together. Thank you very much,and thank you for the affection and respect.
    “The movie is over there” he says as the people turned around to see him sit on the last seats.

  3. He said: “Es allí la peli”. In english it would be like: “The movie is over there”.

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